Warranty Labels



Warranty Labels

Warranty labels printing specializes in providing stamp printing services at Hadupack. Print warranty stamps to distinguish real goods, fake goods, and identify the company’s products. So how much is printing stamps? Print where quality is guaranteed, affordable. Come to Hadupack now for a quote & advice on high quality warranty stamp printing service!

The demand for warranty stamps for products is increasing day by day. To meet this demand, warranty stamp printing units were born. So what kind of warranty stamps are included? How is the printing process? Where to print the best quality? If you are also having these questions, let’s go to the answers in the following article.


What is the warranty stamps?

Warranty stamp is a stamp that can only be used once after being pasted on the product. This stamp is considered as a commitment of the business to the product, any product with full stamps and warranty stamps will be considered genuine. Therefore, most businesses that want to maintain a strong position in the market must use warranty stamp printing services.

Printing warranty stamps is the use of technology, machines and special materials to print out finished products. Ensure that the goods arrive at the customer’s hands completely without being opened or impacted inside.

Structure of the warranty stamp

The warranty stamp is composed of 4 layers:

  1. Surface layer: This is the layer that shows the content that needs to be printed on it, depending on the material and this surface layer can be paper, thin silver coating, plastic film, fabric, 7-color paper….
  2. Glue layer: The glue layer will be covered behind the surface layer, receiving the task of fixing the warranty stamp when gluing on the product.
  3. Silicone layer: The silicone layer will be coated on the base layer, which prevents the glue layers from sticking to the base layer.
  4. Base layer: Finally, the base layer is used to contain warranty stamps that have not been peeled and pasted on the product. This layer is usually made of Kraft paper or Glassine paper.

In addition, for 7-color warranty stamps, also known as hologram stamps, this stamp is composed of many layers separated from each other such as: imprinted code, protection thread, glittering metal threads, protection lines, strips glitter color, solution sensitive paper, luminescent beads, etc.

What is the role of the warranty stamp?

Most products today are stamped with additional warranty stamps before launching into the market. Because the role of this stamp for products is extremely important, such as:

Affirm the credibility of the product

The first is to confirm the credibility of the product. User psychology will be more secure when the item they buy is guaranteed and warranted. When using, if there is damage or malfunction, we will be supported to repair – replace for free.

Signs for brand recognition

Each brand will use the same type of warranty stamp. Therefore, the next role of the warranty stamp is a way for shoppers to recognize the brand of that business in different products.

Used to distinguish fake goods, fake goods

Warranty stamps also work to distinguish fake and counterfeit products of that product. Helping consumers access the highest quality product lines.

Help the seller check the product is still under warranty or not

Finally, the role for businesses, they will rely on the warranty stamp to check whether it is their product or not. Or simply check if this product is still within the warranty period or not according to the information written on the stamp.

Classification of current warranty stamps

Based on the properties of stamps, people are divided into 3 main types as follows:

Long warranty stamp:

The first is a tough warranty stamp, this stamp when peeled will automatically destroy but not tear the stamp, only showing the word Void or breaking into vertical strips on the surface. This stamp usually uses plastic materials or tough paper for printing.

Crispy warranty stamp

The brittle warranty stamp is a stamp that cannot be peeled off after being pasted on the product. Simply peel off the stamp and it will crumble into pieces and cannot be reused. This type of stamp is often used to guarantee the opening positions in electronic equipment, electronic components, the intersection positions between the lid of the box and the box.

Warranty stamp 7 colors

7 color warranty stamp is a type of stamp that can see many colors at different angles. This stamp is used with hologram paper, so it is also called a hologram warranty stamp.

The most popular warranty stamp printing material today

Print warranty stamps as well as many other publications, to use many different materials such as:

  1. Print warranty stamps with paper material
  2. Print warranty stamps on plastic material
  3. Print warranty stamps with silver material
  4. Print warranty stamps with fabric

However, these materials all have special textures, so they can only be used once and cannot be reused.

Warranty stamp printing size

Like other types of publications, the size of warranty stamps can also be flexible according to customer requirements as well as the shape of the product. However, that is only a few, because most people choose according to the general size of the warranty stamp. Specifically like:

  1. Round warranty stamp: This type of stamp will have specific diameter sizes such as: 0.8cm, 1cm, 1.2cm, 1.5cm, 2cm and 2.2cm.
  2. Rectangular warranty stamps: Rectangular warranty stamps will have popular sizes chosen by many people such as: 1×1.5 cm, 1x2cm, 1×2.5cm, 1x3cm, 1.5x3cm, 2x4cm.
  3. Elliptical stamp: The ellipse stamp will calculate the horizontal and vertical diameter, the common sizes of this stamp include: 0.8×1.3cm, 1×1.5cm, 1x2cm, 1.2×1.8cm.

Quotation for printing warranty stamps:

So that customers can always be proactive in choosing cheap warranty stamps for themselves. We will update some current stamp printing price ranges.

Price of rectangular warranty stamp:

  1. Stamp size 1×1.5cm: 65 – 200 VND/stamp.
  2. Stamp size 1x 2cm: 65 – 200 VND/stamp.
  3. Stamp size 1×2.5cm: 80 – 250 VND/stamp.
  4. Stamp size 1x3cm: 85-300 VND/stamp.
  5. Size stamp 1.5x3cm: 110 – 350 VND/stamp.
  6. Stamp size 2x4cm: 140-400 VND/stamp.

Price of warranty stamp ellipse:

  1. Stamp size 0.8×1.3cm: 65 – 200 VND/stamp.
  2. Stamp size 1x 1.5cm: 65 – 200 VND/stamp.
  3. Stamp size 1x2cm: 80 – 250 VND/stamp.
  4. Stamp size 1.2×1.8cm: 80 – 300 VND/stamp.

Price of round warranty stamp:

  1. Stamp size 0.8cm: 65-200 VND/stamp.
  2. Stamp size 1cm: 65-200 VND/stamp.
  3. Stamp size 1.2cm: 80 – 250 VND/stamp.
  4. Stamp size 1.5cm: 85-300 VND/stamp.
  5. Stamp size 2cm: 110 – 350 VND/stamp.
  6. Stamp size 2.2cm: 140-400 VND/stamp.

The spread we have just provided will depend on various factors. Specifically, these factors are:

  1. Number of warranty stamps to print. The more printing in quantity, the unit price per stamp will be reduced, the higher the discount.
  2. Material, paper for printing warranty stamps (paper, plastic, silver or cloth). Prices vary depending on the nature of the material.
  3. The size of the warranty stamp, the larger the size, the higher the price will be. Shapes and intricacies of printing.
  4. Time needed for publications, usually the more urgent the need, the higher the printing fee will be. Because the unit will have to focus on completing the product as soon as possible.
  5. Printing unit.

Address to print cheap warranty stamps

Currently, due to the need to use warranty stamps in particular and printing services in general, many units providing this service were born. However, to ensure the quality of publications, good prices and good customer service, Hadupack will be the perfect choice.

Hadupack warranty stamp printing workshop is currently a leading printing company with positive reviews from customers who have been using it. Because the incentives that customers receive when using the service at this unit are extremely attractive.

Modern printing machines

Understanding that quality will be a key factor for customer satisfaction, Hadupack has invested in modern machinery and equipment. Thanks to this advantage, customers are always assured of the quality of the publications when printing here.

Machines supporting the printing process such as: Digital printers for urgent orders, small quantity; Offset warranty stamp printer for large orders with thousands, millions of copies per print; Flexo printers for embossing of special publications, etc. In addition, there is a system of machines for film drawing, polishing, metallizing, emulsifying, …. ensure the highest quality product at all times.

Highly skilled staff

Modern machinery also has a team of highly skilled staff. Designers with many years of experience produce modern and outstanding stamp templates. Skilled technicians are well-trained, knowledgeable about technology, providing the operation of the machinery system without problems.

Print high quality warranty stamps

Hadupack is committed to printing high quality warranty stamps to bring elegance and courtesy to customers’ products. Help products attract and create trust with shoppers. As a result, businesses can expand their production business as quickly as possible.

Competitive price

Not only beautiful, quality but cheap is the goal of Hadupack printing company. Invest in machinery and labor to quickly print quantities, thereby reducing costs for customers. However, one thing customers can be assured of is that the quality will always be guaranteed.

Print warranty stamps get fast

With a system of professional machinery and staff, Hadupack can provide fast printing of warranty stamps after 1-2 hours for small orders. Meet the needs of retail customers or customers who are in urgent need of products. Make sure your business will not be interrupted.

The process of printing warranty stamps is available at

To help customers understand more about the cheap and quality warranty stamp printing service at Hadupack before choosing to use the service. We will go into the printing process of this unit as follows:

Receive customer information

First, when customers contact to order, they will be consulted and collected and processed information. Information such as: quantity, material, size, color, delivery and delivery information… Then, a quotation will be made to the customer. If the customer agrees to that price, this information will be passed on to the design department.

Design a stamp demo

At the design department, designers will design a warranty stamp demo and send it to customers. If the customer is satisfied with the copy, it will be transferred to the printing department. If not, I will take the information and edit it once

Proceed to print

When receiving stamp design data, technicians will research printing technology to print fast – quality – cheapest price for customers. Then print 1 copy and send it to the designer for approval before mass printing. This ensures error-free prints after printing.

Post-print processing

After completing the printing stage, the warranty stamp will be transferred to the processing stage. Depending on the different stamps, this processing stage can be matte, glossy, emulsified, etc. Finally, shape the product and complete it.

Counting and delivering to customers

Before being delivered to customers, stamps will be counted by all technical and design staff in quantity and quality. Ensure the publication to customers is of the highest quality and completeness.

Above is all the information about the warranty stamp printing service that we synthesize. Choosing a reliable printing unit not only helps you own quality publications but also receive satisfaction in customer service and care.

To contact to order printing services or need specific advice on printing warranty stamps, please call +84 976 888 111.


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