Printed shrink film



Printed shrink film-  shrink film packaging bottles, toys, products

Should Print shrink film? What is the difference between printed and unprinted shrink film? What are the pros and cons and the applications where shrink film can be best used? Let Hadupack share the information for you!

What kind of shrink film can print?

Two types of film used for printing are: Polyolefin (POF) and polyethylene (PE). PE shrink film is usually thicker than POF. POF shrink film is used on a wide range of products because of its high transparency and tends to produce a tighter shrink film on the products it is used for packaging. Read the article: POF Heat Shrink Film

At its core, the printed shrink film is practically the same as the non-printed film. However, unlike conventional shrink film, printed film is capable of highlighting the packaging with colorful graphics.

Benefits when printing shrink film to pack products and bottles:

  1. Shrink film can print with full color, high quality image so this is of course more attractive than non-printed film.
  2. Compared with thin paper boxes for packaging in bulk, blister, shrink film is also superior in reducing carbon emissions, and better product display.
  3. Printed film is always lighter than boxes, so shipping costs are reduced.
  4. Graphics printed on shrink film are maintained for a long time.
  5. Suitable for products that need to be refrigerated better than other types of boxes, not resistant to moisture and water.
  6. Compared to unprinted shrink film, printed shrink film gives your product a psychological advantage in regards to brand identity and marketing purposes. When your product is placed next to a similar product that doesn’t use shrink film, consumers are sure to reach for your items first.
  7. Widely used for products such as printing shrink film wrapping tissue boxes, spice jars, toys, bottles.

Cons and when to print film

The use of shrink film brings many benefits, but does it have disadvantages?

Although the cost of ordering and printing shrink film is higher than conventional heat shrink film, it makes up for it in efficiency and enhances good brand recognition.

  1. The most suitable film printing needs are for businesses that need large to very large needs. If the need is small, you should use regular shrink film, combined with product labels to tell the story of your brand to avoid waste.
  2. Sadly, the printed shrink film cannot be recycled in the same way as normal shrink film recycling.
  3. If you have the capital to invest and are packaging a large volume of products, using shrink film can guarantee large profits, greater customer reach, and expanded brand awareness.

Despite the recycling issues, printed shrink film is still a much better choice in terms of sustainability as it has a significantly lower carbon footprint than the most common packaging materials: Paper boxes, Cardboard, metal will produce greater carbon emissions and higher shipping costs than shrink film.


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