FSC Certifications

FSC Certifications

Today, the product selection criteria of consumers around the world, especially in the European and American markets, they only use the product when they are sure that it is not created from deforestation. Therefore, in order to maintain the export market, enterprises must have a clear source of wood materials and obtain FSC certification to create a competitive advantage.

So what is FSC certification? What are its benefits, what is the principle of FSC certification and how does wood material get FSC certified?

Let’s see the article now! We share the knowledge about FSC forest certification right here.

What is FSC certification?

FSC (abbreviated Forest Stewardship Council) – is a non-governmental, non-profit organization established in 1993 with the goal of sustainable forest development & management worldwide. Present in more than 50 countries with more than 850 members including non-governmental organizations, scientific research centers, international certification management organizations, community development centers, enterprises… The World Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is a prestigious organization with great influence in protecting forests in particular and the environment in general on a global scale.

FSC certificate is a certificate used for forest managers or manufacturers of forest products that ensure the criteria of sustainable development, balancing the values of environmental protection (forest) with benefits. social interests of stakeholders (producers, society and local people).

3 types of FSC forest certificates:

The FSC certificate is recognized by the FSC (a non-governmental, non-profit organization) after the assessment and certification of a country’s forest resources have been completed. There are 3 types of FSC certification available today:

  1. FMC (Forest Management Certificate): Is a certification of forest protection rights, provided to a country’s forests when it meets environmental, social and economic standards.
    CoC (Chain of Custidy Certificate)
  2. As a certificate for the product chain: This is extremely useful because it helps to make information transparent to consumers as well as prevents some manufacturers (mainly in China) from arbitrarily attaching certificates to consumers. receive FSC without FSC’s permission. This is a process chain from the initial stages until the product is delivered to the consumer. The FSC certificate helps confirm that products made from forest wood have clear origins and fully meet the criteria of the FSC organization.
  3. FSC-CoC/CW (FSC-Chain of Custody/Control Wood) Certificate: Certificate of Chain of Custody, assessment of controlled wood origin.

10 principles of FSC standards businesses need to know:

FSC is built with a set of 10 principles. Specifically, the 10 principles used to evaluate the FSC certification will include:

Principle 1: Comply with the laws and regulations of the FSC

The FSC stipulates that businesses participating in forest management activities must respect the applicable laws in each host country and international treaties and agreements to which the host country is a signatory. all regulations and principles of the FSC organization.

Principle 2: Obey rights and obligations with the management and use of forest resources

The rights and obligations of the management and use of forest resources must be clearly defined, these two factors must be recognized by law.

Principle 3: Adhere to the rights and interests of indigenous peoples

Adhere to the legal and traditional rights of indigenous peoples to own, use and manage land and resources that are recognized and respected.

Principle 4: Adhere to employee relations and interests

Forest management activities will maintain and improve continuously to ensure the benefits of forestry workers and communities in the long term.

Principle 5: Ensure benefits from forest resources

The benefits from forest materials are very large, forest management practices will encourage more effective use of forest products and forest services to ensure economic benefits and great environmental benefits. school and society.

Principle 6: Ensure that the impact on the living environment is controlled

Forest management must conserve biodiversity and its values in terms of land, water, and ecosystem diversity and help maintain ecosystem functions and the integrity of forests.

Principle 7: There must be a specific monitoring and management plan

A forest management plan must be developed, a specific periodic monitoring schedule must be developed, and the forest management plan must be compatible with the scale.

Principle 8: Perform regular monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring should be carried out to match the density of forest management to understand the situation of the forest, the chain of custody of forest products, forest products, management activities and environmental influences. school-society of these activities.

Principle 9: Conserve high-value forests

In high-value forests, conservation management is required to maintain or promote the attributes that make up this type of forest. Decisions regarding forests of high conservation value should always be considered in the context of a prevention focus.

Principle 10: Protect the forests being planted

To protect planted forests, it should be planned and managed according to Principles 1-9 and its accompanying principles as well as Principle 10, and its accompanying criteria.

FSC certified forests can not only bring a lot of benefits, contributing to meeting the world’s demand for forest products, but also make management more diversified, reducing pressure on natural forests. natural forests, promoting, restoring and conserving natural forests.

Benefits of FSC . Forest Certification

  1. Economically: FSC helps to save forest resources, improve economic value and increase the value of products and items. According to statistics from FSC, products made by workers have a higher economic value of 20-30% compared to similar products. Helps to reduce waste in improper use of forest resources.
  2. In terms of brand: The source of input materials when being FSC certified will help the brand of that product be upgraded. Enterprises can communicate their products using FSC.
  3. In terms of environment: FSC has strict principles because it helps to protect the environment as well as the ecosystem in nature in a special way, not only forest wood sources but also air and water sources. The call to not use atrazine in herbicides is an example, because it affects the atmosphere and water resources.
  4. Social: The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) demonstrates its responsibility to society as an organization responsible for human life.